niedziela, 4 stycznia 2009

When bad is good

I have a problem with M. Night Shyamalan. Or maybe you have. And definitely he has a problem with you. Cuz I watched "The Happening" not so long ago and had fun, but then, as always, came up this thing with "The Sixth Sense" - that he hasn't done anything even closely good as it and "The Sixth Sense" is an accident, when Shyamalan is rather a poor director.
Well, I have a theory and I feel it could change the world, so careful.
What if "The Sixt Sense" is the worst one? I mean, look at the others, forgetting for a while about Haley Joel Osment, think of "The Village", "Lady in the Water" and "The Happening". See the pattern? These movies have much in common; absurd, nonsensical and 'out of nowhere' scenes, pretentious dialogues and make us wonder 'is it planned ot just bad?'. They dance on the line crossing good and crap - and I buy it. I believe it's a part of the vision Shyamalan has, so it's not hard to enjoy his bullshit. It's not the real So Bad That It's Good, but something similar.
And "The Sixth Sense" - a very, very good movie which can be worshipped, I agree - doesn't reach that style, it's just a horror.
But people, especially critics, judge poor Shyamalan by this one 'proper' movie he's done, and don't see his evil genius.

Free M. Night Shyamalan! Let him be as bad as he tries to be, it's cool.

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