niedziela, 4 stycznia 2009

Starting, I guess

If you don’t know what to do, you’ll probably start a blog. Well, it’s not any law, but it could be. Probably one of the Murphy’s.

And yeah, consider this as a hello, there will be no others.

I can’t believe I wasn’t really into any game for, like, more than eight months. And that I left all my forums and internet communities (or they left me, doesn’t matter at this point). No RPG, very few fantasy books and sci fi movies. Those happy, ass-aching men in jail don’t feel so empty and home-losing as I did. But that’s it, I can no longer pretend I can handle with this world in any socialized way. It’s just not right for me.

And I’m frustrated, cuz for a while, months ago, I felt like I should go and do something “proper”, grow up, save the world or at least my future as this way only broke my heart. But I’ll tell you something – there is no growing up. Really. If they tell you differently, just send them to me.

I am a geek, I simply have to admit it. Not a party girl, not your friend with a shopping problem, not a rock star’s girlfriend, not a fucking future movie star. I’d rather sleep with George R. R. Martin and Konami’s crew than with Johnny Depp. And I definitely won’t go out with you just because you’re saying I’m cute. Show me your PS3, xbox360, PSP, NDS and Wii, then we’ll talk.

So, I have much to do, as I wasn’t around for a moment. And English to improve cuz I feel like in junior and guess what, it’s not my favourite feeling.

But. Games. I started with a brand new one, I found in a shop shelf. It’s called Tension and it’s a dark and very “nothing really happens” thriller. Erotic thriller, to be precise. It’s a mixture of adventure, action and maybe RPG, I think. I could tell you about the whole plot, a hell-alike world, ugly monster-men called Brothers (I love their design) and yeah, you wouldn’t believe, Sister, who are pretty girls, guarding the passages in this place. I could tell you all about painting with colours we have to collect and feeding Sisters by making marks with them. And yeah, everything is about going further and further. I could tell you about this, but you know what? You wouldn’t care. Because, forgive me, the only thing that matters is getting the girls naked. And they all act like professional porn ladies, which surprisingly well fits in this game, but after some time you start finding the Brothers more interesting than the perfect-body-cuties.

It’s developed by a Russian studio, so I think it’s just for Europe.

And it’s cool, I had fun, but after finishing with this “Tension” I started to play Harvest Moon for NDS and had even more fun, but you know, it’s just me. Seems like growing turnip moves my heart more than the secrets of the dark art. Well.

And sometimes, I listen to country music.

Oh, and I’ve seen “Rec” at last. I desired to watch is really badly, since I heard it’s a scary horror movie (cuz how often do you see frightening ones? I haven’t seen once since the Japanese Dark Water). But. I wasn’t prepared to be THAT delighted. Cuz, come on, it’s not a horror at all. It’s a GZM – Good Zombie Movie, it’s a different category. And I loved it. Watching people eating other people is always nice, but when they do it properly, it’s heaven. And when I see it has mainly positive reviews, I am proud to be the part of this world.

I watched “The Orphanage” as well. Nothing but disappointing.

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