czwartek, 8 stycznia 2009

Don't you tell me what I cannot do

Humming the Firefly song which always comes with the bunch of difficult memories, this I think: why is it so hard to find people with ambitions? I mean the real ones, born from their own desires, not from what they think they should do. I meet people who want to have a good life, without anything spectacular. Okay, that’s fair enough, there is nothing to disrespect about such attitude.
But, I badly need someone with big plans! With a vision and a willingness to fulfill it, cuz I don’t know anything better and more satisfying in this world than a creativity and those who stand behind it.
I’ve met such guy once. He was working on the RPG setting, and I tell you, I don’t have words to describe what a treasure is to find someone who is ready to share ideas and dreams he has in his mind. When he was picturing me that world, and he was a great taleteller, I was totally buying it and took his enthusiasm from him – and not only cuz the idea was so good... He really believed people would love it, and the world would be ours, and so how could I not believe? We worked on it together for a few years and then it ended, but I miss that… faith in one’s powers and abilities to make something amazing. An interesting vision also. I have a few on my own, but still, I need right people to share with. Making the world my alone is not that gratifying.
Anyway, I realize there are a lot of people who match the characteristic, they are just not, well, not here. But I adore them all – see you in Vallhala, in the hall of the greatest warriors.

I need more tea.

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