poniedziałek, 5 stycznia 2009

We're gonna need bigger guns

I spend last two days playing Mass Effect. And yes, I do realize everyone already knows it’s a great game, but please, let me say it; it’s amazing. I guess the best one I’ve played since VtM:Bloodlines. And it’s a sci fi! My dream finally came true and I am able to own a space ship without getting irritated by the awful gameplay and dull narrative.

I love video games that let me Become the character – but if they do, I’m lost for the world. My brother says I’m nuts, when he was playing Mass Effect with me I was yelling at him all the time, cuz he is used to have just fun, and I was too serious. He couldn’t understand why I wanted him to hurry up, when our crew was in danger (“why? you don’t have any time limit here…”) or I don’t wanted him to play with our enemies’ dead bodies. Sorry dear, but you HAVE to act like a real soldier, otherwise they won’t respect you. And I really liked being a commander, this title suits me… I have to try it again in some time.

Mass Effect is almost perfect to over-roleplaying, this is the Game With Choices. Not sure if they really have any influence on the game, but it doesn’t matter. I could choose if I wanted to be polite or tough and how to do some quests and it’s more than enough for me to be delighted.

And oh, romances. I usually don’t care, but this time I was given a real Marine to make love to. My ideal is still Hicks from the second Alien movie, but yeah, Kaiden Alenko is the greatest video games’ male lover.

Why do I need a real boyfriend if Bioware makes me such good ones?

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